Principal's Message
I feel immensely privileged to be a part of government and self-Vision and Mission for tribal students to provide quality modern education – including inculcation of values, awareness of the environment, adventure activities and physical education – to the talented children predominantly from the rural areas with regard to their family's socio-economic condition.
The budding and developing EMRS Karanjia Boarding family welcome all of you to view the website of EMRS Karanjia Mayurbhanj Odisha. Our school is proud to bring students in one platform from one part of the country to another to promote national integration and enrich the socio-cultural diversities.
Our teachers are well equipped to shoulder the honourous responsibility of moulding and shaping a child. In the present-day scenario of all-pervading bottle-neck competition, it is highly vital for an alma mater like ours to impart such a value-oriented education which will prepare honest, responsible and dutiful citizens of our nation.
Modern education is all about helping the learner to realize and explore their potentialities. The school environment evokes a team sprit among the students and teachers with a conviction to weave a firm moral fibre that acts as a nucleus around which all our school activities revolve. Our commitment is to provide a safe, positive and intellectual learning environment that will empower the students to become creative problem solvers, critical thinkers and inspired learners for life in the 21st century.
Our school website is a humble endeavour to provide information about our kaleidoscopic school glimpses of its diverse activities as well as the progress and stellar achievements of our students who have carved niche for themselves. I hope that the website will definitely offer you an insight into the overall functioning of the School.
I am excited for the opportunity to work with you to provide a productive and safe learning environment that supports students' success.
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